Our vaccinations for both cats and dogs are available on a walk-in basis during normal operating hours. Please see below for a list of vaccinations.
To make an appointment or to contact our clinic care staff for more information, please call (559) 233-8706 or email at

Vaccinations are available to puppies between 6 and 8 weeks old. The state of California recognizes Distemper/Parvo, Rabies, and Leptospirosis as core vaccinations. We also offer Bordetella, Influenza and Rattlesnake vaccinations.
Canine Core Vaccines
The Distemper/Parvo vaccine is also known as the DA2PPv vaccine and provides dogs with protection against canine distemper, adenovirus/hepatitis, parvovirus, and parainfluenza. This vaccine is most commonly referred to as the "puppy shot."
Recent studies have shown that it's not the number of vaccines that a puppy receives, but the age at which the last shot is given that will determine how protected a dog is against the diseases the vaccine combats.
Puppies should get their first DA2PPv shot between 6 and 8 weeks old and will need a booster vaccine every three to four weeks until they get their last shot at between 4 and 4 ½ months old.
If puppies are older than 8 weeks but younger than 4 months when they start their series, they will need to continue getting vaccines every three to four weeks until they are 4 or 4 ½ months old. Depending on the size of your puppy when they are 4 months old, your veterinarian may recommend an additional DA2PPv vaccine three to four weeks later. This is because Parvo is a very serious virus that can be incredibly fatal in smaller dogs.
Older dogs (older than 4 months old) who have never been vaccinated will receive two DA2PPv shots three to four weeks apart before they are considered protected.
All dogs should have this vaccine boostered yearly, unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian.
This vaccination protects dogs against kennel cough, a highly contagious upper respiratory infection. This vaccine is dripped into a dog's nose and provides rapid protection. Puppies can be vaccinated for this at 12 weeks of age. Older dogs only need one vaccine. This vaccine needs to be boostered every year.
This vaccine protects dogs against Rabies. This disease is transmitted by coming into contact with infected saliva, or neurological tissue. State law requires that all dogs be vaccinated for Rabies, which is usually administered at 4 months of age.
The first Rabies vaccine a dog ever receives will need to be boostered again one year later. Rabies vaccines received after the first protect a dog for three years, as long as they are boostered on time.
If you don't know if your dog has ever had a Rabies vaccine, or cannot provide proof of a previous Rabies vaccine, we are unable to provide a vaccine that lasts longer than one year.
The rabies vaccination is required by law in the state of California and must be administered at 4 months of age for licensing purposes.
Rabies vaccines require a current exam on file. Price of vaccine does NOT include fee of exam.
Please click on this link for licensing information for the City of Fresno, Dog License Application. For residents in the City of Clovis, Animal License. For Fresno County Residents, Rabies and Animal Control Program.
Canine Elective Vaccines
The Leptospirosis vaccine protects dogs against certain types of the multiple different variations of Leptospira bacteria, which can cause Leptospirosis. The vaccination helps decrease a dog's risk of contracting Leptospirosis.

Kittens should start the vaccination process when they are between 6 and 8 weeks old. We offer Feline Upper Respiratory/Distemper (FVRCP), Leukemia, and Rabies vaccinations.
Feline Core Vaccines
This Feline Upper Respiratory/Distemper vaccine is known as the FVRCP vaccine and helps provide protection against a number of common upper respiratory viruses that afflict cats and kittens.
Kittens should receive their first FVRCP vaccine when they are between 6 to 8 weeks old and should have it boostered every three to four weeks until they are 4 months old.
Kittens 12 weeks old or older will receive two shots with the second three to four weeks after the first.
All cats and kittens should have this vaccine boostered on a yearly basis, regardless of if they go outside or not.
This vaccine protects cats against Rabies. It is recommend that cats receive this vaccine at 4 months of age. Similarly to dogs, the first vaccine a cat receives will be good for a year before it needs to be boostered.
If you get the second vaccine on time, it will be good for three years.
Rabies vaccines require a current exam on file. Price of vaccine does NOT include fee of exam.
PLEASE NOTE: Not all Rabies vaccines for cats are rated for more than one year at a time. Please be sure to know which rabies vaccine your cat received.
Valley Animal Center requires that all cats, regardless of indoor or outdoor status, be vaccinated against Rabies. This disease is fatal, and if a cat bites someone without having a current Rabies vaccination on file, a lengthy and possibly costly quarantine period will be required.
Feline Leukemia
FeLV, or Feline Leukemia, is a terminal disease prevalent in the outdoor cat community. It is transmitted through contact with infected saliva, blood, and urine. Any outdoor cats, or cats that have any contact with outdoor cats, should be vaccinated against this disease.
Kittens 12 weeks old or older will receive two shots. The second will be given three to four weeks after the first. This vaccine should be boostered yearly unless otherwise directed by your veterinarian.
*A Feline AIDS and Leukemia test is required prior to starting vaccination series.