Valley Animal Center is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to uniting dogs and cats with loving people, providing quality medical care at a low cost, and offering additional services, such as a membership-based dog park and cat club, to ensure its community has easy access to resources that help them along in their pet ownership journey.
In 2021, Valley Animal Center was able to rescue 985 dogs and cats. These animals were either pulled from local animal control agencies or taken in as owner surrenders. Additionally, 31 dogs/puppies and 199 cats/kittens were fostered. The organization's Surrender Relief Program was able to provide 28 animals temporary boarding services and quality medical care.
Your Round-Up donations help Valley Animal Center continue to provide shelter and food to the hundreds of homeless dogs and cats it cares for on a yearly basis.
Our Federal EIN is 77-0540565.
Round-Up is an easy and secure way to give while you shop. Safely round up your credit/debit card purchases to create great change for the homeless dogs and cats in our care!
How does it work? Each time you use your credit/debit card to complete a transaction, your transaction will be automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. On the last day of every month, the small spare change of each transaction is totaled and withdrawn as a donation!*
For example, if you bought a coffee for $2.40 with your connected credit/debit card, we would "Round-Up" the purchase to the next dollar amount ($3) and the change ($0.60) would be counted as Round-Up change.
It's that easy!
*Every Round-Up donor will be charged a minimum of $9.99 every month if the monthly round-up/spare change accumulation is less than $10. For example, if you sign up to be a Round-Up donor three days before the month ends and you accumulate less than $10 in round-up/spare change, you will be charged $9.99 on the last day of the month. This minimum amount is less than $0.34/day and helps us ensure we can continue to be good stewards of your gift and save on credit card processing fees!
If you would like to make a one-time donation or would prefer to set up recurring monthly donations, click HERE.
Valley Animal Center is a 501(c)3 charitable organization dedicated to uniting dogs and cats with loving people, providing quality medical care at a low cost, and offering additional services, such as a membership-based dog park and cat club, to ensure its community has easy access to resources that help them along in their pet ownership journey.
In 2021, Valley Animal Center was able to rescue 985 dogs and cats. These animals were either pulled from local animal control agencies or taken in as owner surrenders. Additionally, 31 dogs/puppies and 199 cats/kittens were fostered. The organization's Surrender Relief Program was able to provide 28 animals temporary boarding services and quality medical care.
Your Round-Up donations help Valley Animal Center continue to provide shelter and food to the hundreds of homeless dogs and cats it cares for on a yearly basis.
Our Federal EIN is 77-0540565.
Round-Up is an easy and secure way to give while you shop. Safely round up your credit/debit card purchases to create great change for the homeless dogs and cats in our care!
How does it work? Each time you use your credit/debit card to complete a transaction, your transaction will be automatically rounded up to the nearest dollar. On the last day of every month, the small spare change of each transaction is totaled and withdrawn as a donation!*
For example, if you bought a coffee for $2.40 with your connected credit/debit card, we would "Round-Up" the purchase to the next dollar amount ($3) and the change ($0.60) would be counted as Round-Up change.
It's that easy!
*Every Round-Up donor will be charged a minimum of $9.99 every month if the monthly round-up/spare change accumulation is less than $10. For example, if you sign up to be a Round-Up donor three days before the month ends and you accumulate less than $10 in round-up/spare change, you will be charged $9.99 on the last day of the month. This minimum amount is less than $0.34/day and helps us ensure we can continue to be good stewards of your gift and save on credit card processing fees!
Enroll Today
Click HERE to sign up today. Once you are viewing our donation page:
To see a step-by-step guide to sign up for Round-Up donations, click HERE.
If you would like to make a one-time donation or would prefer to set up recurring monthly donations, click HERE.