Submitted by Nancy Garcia. November 2023.
Patty- I miss you every day. You got me through one of the hardest times in my life. Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for playing in the pool, even when I told you not to; for dragging Christmas lights and dish trays behind you; thank you for laying down with us when Katelyn was being read to, thank you for watching over Katelyn when she was sick or sad. We know her falling was not your fault… You were always there for Katelyn and me.
Saying goodbye to you was so hard, but your body was tired and sick. I hope you know how much we love you. Jada and Chip miss you too. Jada has picked up some of your habits; she loves to go between our legs for pets, just like you did. Chip is going gray now, I feel he will be joining you in a few years. He will be there running zoomies with you and nipping at your heels. You were such a big gorgeous girl. I love you and I miss you. You make my heart smile. 😊 ❤️