Vaccinate Your Pets!

August is National Pet Immunization Awareness Month so here is our fur-riendly reminder to check that your pets are up-to-date on their vaccines. Vaccines are important as they introduce an immune response to help build immunity in your pets, lessen the severity of symptoms, and prevent the spread of disease. 

Here are some reasons why vaccinations are important:

A vaccinated pet is a protected pet.

Prevent the unnecessary stress of illness by vaccinating your dog or cat. Unvaccinated pets are at risk for contracting illnesses and diseases from other animals they may come into contact with! They can potentially then spread those illnesses to other pets or family members you come into contact with. Vaccinations are a way to ensure your furry family member remains happy and healthy.

Vaccinations help you save in the long run. 

At Animal Valley Center, we offer core vaccines for only $17. However, the cost of helping your dog after they’ve contracted parvo may cost anywhere from $1500-$6000. Vaccinating your pet earlier rather than later will help you avoid unnecessary costs. It will also ensure your pets have a healthy life in the long run!

Proof of vaccinations are required in certain places.

You may be required to provide proof of pet vaccinations for airlines and animal training facilities. Keeping your pet up-to-date on their vaccinations means that when you are required to provide proof to certain areas/places, you will be ready to do so! This saves you time and money! Imagine being denied at the airport during an emergency flight because your pet is not current on their vaccinations.

Certain laws require your pet to be vaccinated.

There are some laws that require vaccination. For California, every dog must be vaccinated for Rabies. By keeping your dog vaccinated, you don’t have to worry about violating any laws, whether state-wide or specific to your city. For Fresno, CA residents, you can find information about dog licenses and the vaccinations your pet may need HERE.

Vaccine Side Effects

Reactions to side effects are generally mild and last only a day or two. Your pet may experience slight swelling at the injection site, a decrease in activity or appetite, and a slight fever or congestion. Keep an eye on your pet and contact a veterinarian as soon as possible if any of these symptoms appear: 

  • Vomiting and Diarrhea
  • Swelling of muzzle, face, neck, or eyes
  • Severe difficulty breathing
  • Collapsing

Which vaccines should your pet receive?

While vaccine recommendations may depend on your pets lifestyle and risk-exposure, here are core vaccines our veterinarians recommend as essential to your pets health and happiness. 

Core Vaccines for Dogs: 

  • Distemper/Parvo vaccine (DA2PPv)
  • Bordetella
  • Rabies

Recommended dog vaccines for Fresno include: Influenza, Rattlesnake, and Leptospirosis.

Core Vaccines for Cats: 

  • Feline Upper Respiratory/Distemper vaccine (FVRCP)
  • Rabies
  • Feline Leukemia (FeLV)

Consult with the clinic staff about the correct vaccination treatment for your loved one.

Some vaccinations may require follow-ups shots to complete your pet’s immunity, or simply because immunity declines over time. Missing shots will result in an incomplete immunity so be sure to keep an accurate record with reminders on the next series of shots your pet requires. 

There are several mobile apps where you can set reminders for vital pet information such as: Vitus Vet, PetDesk, and DogHealth

Last year, Valley Animal Center provided more than 13,000 vaccinations to the general public. Visit our clinic to find out more information on our hours, cost of care, and which immunization treatment is right for your pet: