Graphic Design Work Order Requester Name:* First Last Department:*Cat Adoption CenterDog Adoption CenterAdministration OfficeLow-Cost Clinic / Surgery AnnexDog ParkMARCVolunteersOutreach EventsDate Needed:* MM slash DD slash YYYY Please give the marketing team at least two weeks to complete your work order. If you have a rush order, please speak to the marketing manager.Priority Level:*HighMediumLowRequest Description:*Please explain your work order and provide as much information as possible.Job Type:*Brochure (8.5 in. x 11 in.)Buck Slip (4.25 in. x 5.5 in.)Flyer (8.5 in. x 11 in.)Poster (11 in. x 17 in.)Poster (18 in. x 24 in.)Poster (24 in. x 36 in.)Poster (27 in. x 40 in.)Signage (8.5 in. x 11 in.)Email NotificationOtherPlease explain what job type you're requesting.*Quantity:*